4 Ways To Use Remember The Milk On Linux Desktop

remember the milk linuxRemember the Milk is a fantastic task manager web app, but web apps have certain limitations. For one, they only work while you’re connected to the internet. If you’re the sort of person who’s not always online you probably want access on your desktop. Additionally, you might not want to open a web browser every time you need to check something off your to-do list.

It’s for this reason that David wrote his piece explaining 8 ways to manage your tasks with Remember The Milk. This list mentioned some great software, to be sure, but neglected to mention ways to achieve Remember the Milk tasks on Linux distributions such as Ubuntu or Fedora.

If you’re a Linux user and a Remember the Milk user, don’t worry: you can find great desktop apps to manage your tasks with.

1. You Say You Just Use Evolution?

Well, you know…it works with RTM, but it isn’t perfect.

Not everyone loves Evolution â€" the mail/calendar/to-do program built into the Gnome Desktop â€" but it does have a few distinct advantages. For one, it’s built into the Gnome Desktop, meaning it’s integrated with the clock/calendar applet. For another, it’s a great Exchange-compatible email client for Linux.

If either of these advantages seems useful to you, and you’re a big fan of Remember The Milk, you’ll be happy to know it is possible to use RTM with Evolution.

Pen.g.uin wrote a blog post explaining how to do just that. Basically what you need to do is create a new task list from within Evolution, and pick the “On The Web” option for where it’s located. Then you need to copy the iCal link from your Remember The Milk page and paste it into the dialogue. Just be sure to copy the link from a category you intend to use or nothing will show up on your list!

remember the milk linux

Once you’ve got Remember the Milk set up in Evolution you’ll quickly realize a key limitation: you cannot edit your tasks from within Evolution (not even to check a completed task!) This is because Remember the Milk does not, at this time, offer a two-way iCal file. It’s a shame, but they’re trying to make money with MilkSync so I can understand the limitation.

remember the milk linux

Still, if you want your tasks to /show up/ in Evolution, not to mention the Gnome clock applet, this is your best bet.

2. Stay On Tasque

linux remember the milk

A better alternative for, or perhaps supplement to, Evolution integration is the simple task program known as “Tasque,” which Damien profiled in his article about Linux to-do list apps you might not have heard of. This lightweight piece of software, unlike Evolution, does one thing and does it well. That one thing is your to-do list, and it offers amazing RTM integration to boot.

linux remember the milk

Setting this up is easy. When you first run the program you’ll be asked whether you want to use a local to-do list, or Remember The Milk. Choose Remember the Milk and you’ll be guided through the authorization process.

Tasque is in the repository of most great Linux distributions, including Ubuntu and Fedora.

3. Go Go Google Gadget!

linux remember the milk

If you’re a user of Google Gadgets for Linux, and a user of Remember the Milk, you might as well manage your tasks from using the Google Gadget mentioned in David’s article. Find a link here and enjoy this unofficial gadget!

4. Rocking On Adobe Air

If none of these solutions work for you, there’s always the Adobe Air app mentioned in David’s article. It’s called Remember the Task, it’s fairly lightweight and it works really well. Check it out here.


Remember the Milk is great for one main reason: the sheer number of third-party apps that support it. Linux is no exception, it seems; there are many fantastic ways to access your cloud to-do list on that platform.

Which reminds me: do you guys know of any Linux apps with RTM support that I missed? It’s not too late to share them with readers; comment, comment, comment away! Also feel free to share which of these apps you prefer to use or just make fun of my last name. Whatever, I’m easy.

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