Got Bored Of Lorem Ipsum? 22 “Different” Alternatives For Placeholder Text

When designing anything with content (websites, brochures, etc.), if you don't have the real content, using Lorem Ipsum is the most common way to fill those spaces.

However, for anyone who designs regularly and needs such filler text, it is pretty boring to use Lorem Ipsum again and again.

If you want to try an alternative to Lorem Ipsum, there are several web-based generators which are easy-to-use, customizable and, usually, fun. Check them out:

P.S. If you also want to complement placeholder text with images, I suggest checking 8 Free Placeholder Image Services For Instant Dummy Images.

Bacon Ipsum

Bacon Ipsum

A meaty alternative for generating dummy text. It is even kind enough to ask for "all meat" or "meat and filler".

The service has a JSON API, an Android app and a supportive image placeholder service for generating a mockup full of bacon.

Vegan Ipsum

Vegan Ipsum

Didn't like Bacon Ipsum? Ok, here is veggie lorem ipsum alternative.

Vegan Ipsum will bring all the freshness of season vegetables into your mockups.

Samuel L. Ipsum

Samuel L. Ipsum

It uses quotes from movies which Samuel L Jackson has starred in and comes with 3 modes, lorem ipsum, default and a lite version.

This is a dangerous alternative to lorem ipsum: So, please use responsibly.



This chic web application has content from the novels of well-known authors.

We can limit the number of words and also mention if they will come in paragraphs, plain text or as a list

Lebowski Ipsum

Lebowski Ipsum

If you have watched The Big Lebowski by Coen Brothers, than you are already aware of the great quotes in that movie.

This lorem ipsum alternative is all about those quotes and it enable you to drill-down to your favorite parts of the movie.



A very fun application that generates any number of paragraphs, lists, and headers from the quotes of popular movies/TV shows including Futurama, Simpsons or Star Wars.

Liquor Ipsum

Liquor Ipsum

Liquor Ipsum allows us to generate text full of drinks. We can either choose from hard liquors or the ones with mixers.

Space Ipsum

Space Ipsum

A space-themed random content generator, that uses phrases from historic moments in spaceflight.

There is also a TextMate bundle provided.

Cupcake Ipsum

Cupcake Ipsum

A tasty dummy text generator with lots of delicious words in it.

It is also possible to select the length of paragraphs.

Tuna Ipsum

Tuna Ipsum

We had Bacon + Vegan Ipsums and why not a fishy one?

A random text generator with lots of fish names and meaningless sentences. But, it is healthy : ).

Zombie Ipsum

Zombie Ipsum

Here is the dark side of the meaningless text: Zombie Ipsum.

A thrilling experience : ) for the mockups you are creating and it comes with 3 versions: regular, lite or "50% more brains" one.

Newfie Ipsum

Newfie Ipsum

Want to add some original content to your mockups?

Newfie Ipsum has Newfoundland songs & jokes that can be generated in any length and copied to the clipboard with ease.

Bogan Ipsum

Bogan Ipsum

With a reference to the term bogan, here is a slang generator.

Not Lorem Ipsum

Not Lorem Ipsum

The project is not a random text generator but offers copy text for 40 different sectors including startups, publishers, cafes and much more.



RandomText is capable of generating both the standard lorem ipsum and gibberish.

We can either grab the HTML or the plain text and it can create the sentences as titles, paragraphs or lists.

Blind Text Generator

Blind Text Generator

This generator has lots of content sources to choose from: Cicero, Kafka, Werther and more.

The number of words and paragraphs can be limited with ease.

Web 2.0 Ipsum

Web 2.0 Ipsum

A meaningless text generator that uses the Web 2.0 startup names as the word cloud.

Hipster Ipsum

Hipster Ipsum

An artisanal filler text for any project. It has an option to get the content with a Latin-taste added.

F**k Lorem Ipsum

Fuck Lorem Ipsum

This generator can bring quotes from various TV shows/movies. It has a filter to include/exclude comedies, dramas and kid-related content.

Comic Ipsum

Comic Ipsum

A lorem ipsum alternative for comic lovers. The content created is full of character names, places and words from popular comics.

Bluth Ipsum

Bluth Ipsum

Bluth Ipsum is a dummy text generator for the fans of the TV show: Arrested Development.

Gangsta Ipsum

Gangsta Ipsum

The lorem ipsum converted to a gangster-style text. Pretty funny.

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