Peerbind – A JS API For Interconnected Websites

Peerbind is a JavaScript API (built by A9 of Amazon) for implementing P2P communications on a website almost instantly.

It works by adding an event listener to an element where the triggered events are shared with all visitors in the peerset (visitors of the web page).

Simply, it offers a very easy-to-implement way for real-time and interactive web-based communications (chat, multi-player games, document sharing, etc.).


The API comes as a jQuery plugin with methods for managing the events and the peerset created (it can be narrowed to users with same IP, geolocation, domain or a string -like a secret key-).

There is a free public server provided which is good for testing and low-level apps.

And, the server-side JS is offered with an Amazon license (that it should be hosted on Amazon AWS) for a more stable and customized usage.

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