Opinionaided: Ask Questions, Share Opinions & Make Friends

posted on October 31, 2011 by Bakari Chavanu

share opinions onlineYou have probably noticed that a lot of content on social networking sites consist of queries about various topics and issues. Internet users want to know things like, which computer or smart phone they should buy? How do you ask a girl out on a date? How can I lose weight? Should I quit my job? Or trivial questions like, “Bugs Bunny of the past or Bugs Bunny now?”

If you have burning questions like these, or simply want to offer your advice or expertise or share opinions online, there is a website and smart phone app devoted explicitly to asking and giving opinions. It is called, Opinionaided.

Opinionaided was developed, in 2010, by Kurani Interactive, with “the goal of helping people get quick opinions, in real time, while they were shopping.” Now as an iPhone and Android app, it’s a lot easier to add and give feedback.


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The features and simple set up of the application are very intuitive. You can start using the app even before you complete your profile.

Ask for Opinions

Asking for opinions in Opinionaided consist of mainly “Thumbs up,” “Thumbs off”, or “Neutral” questions. The app’s menu consists of the Homepage where you select to either, Ask for Opinions, or Give Your Opinion. Or get written feedback. You can also ask open-ended questions and get comments.

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To help facilitate getting responses, you can also add a background picture or image that responders can refer directly to. In my brief experience with the app, I voted on three posts in which members simply asked for an opinion of a piece of art.

ask questions online

Unfortunately, Opinionaided is not set up for asking multiple-choice questions. You can, however, turn the question into a multiple-choice by, for example, writing “TU for iPhone, or TD for Android?” (TU=Thumbs up and TD=Thumbs down.)

ask questions online

After developing a question, you select a category to put it in. These categories include, Relationships, Technology and Gadgets, Sports and Activities, Gaming, Business and Finance, Religion and Science.

A few of the advanced features for asking questions might be overlooked. You can choose not to post your question for public feedback, and instead ask it to your list of friends and contacts. You can also post your question for Males Only, or Females Only, as well as post them on your Facebook and Twitter account.

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As I was preparing to write this article, I posted this quick question: “I have the iPhone 4. Should I buy the 4S?” Within a few minutes, while I provided votes and comments to other questions, I received over thirty-five votes, and several written comments, for my question. Of the fifty-five votes I ended up getting, 33% gave Thumbs up, and 67%, Thumbs down.

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Another neat feature of this process is that you can give responders a gold star for their comment. This is especially useful for those who take the time to give good advice.

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Give Your Opinion

Giving your opinion on stated questions is very easy. You simply vote up or down, or neutral, with the option of including a written comment. Unfortunately, there is no way to not respond to a question and skip to the next one, except to exit out and back into the Vote menu.

Fortunately, you can filter the type of questions you want to respond to by category.

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Another menu section is devoted to the results of your questions, and the tallied responses and comments to queries you responded to. You can select to review “All Votes” or “Just Comments. You can also click on a responder’s name and reply to his or her comment, which can start a conversation.

Back in March of 2011, Opinionaided raised $1 million to expand its mobile real-time feedback service. This signals much more to come for this social network service. While some users might find many of the questions trivial, if they are looking for something more serious, all they need to do is ask those type of questions.

Opinionaided looks to be similar to Quora and Stack Overflow. Let us know if you use these or other similar sites.

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