Application calculates Casimir Effect forces and facilitates design of Microelectromechanical (MEMS) and Nanoelectromechanical (NEMS) systems

Dr. Martin Tajmar unveils a new nanotechnology software application that calculates Casimir Effect forces in nanotechnology design and facilitates the design of Microelectromechanical (MEMS) and future Nanoelectromechanical (NEMS) systems.

The CasimirSim software application assists scientists and engineers to design nanotechnology products by allowing them to model complex molecular geometries on the nanoscale, which should provide a greater understanding of how Casimir Effect forces impact nanotechnology.

Nanotechnology is definitely one of the leading technologies of the 21st century. It enables breakthroughs in physics, space applications, medicine, and materials sciences, to mention only a few examples. When scaling things down from our macroscopic everyday world to below one micrometer the nature of physics changes dramatically. The Casimir Effect is one example of quantum scale effects that play a role in the design of nanotechnology.

Quantum mechanical effects start to invalidate macroscopic models and govern the behavior of processes at the nano scale. CasimirSim has been developed for calculating Casimir Polder forces in arbitrary 3D geometries. CasimirSim is designed as a tool for scientists and engineers, therefore providing a wide variety of options for calculations. It shall open the doors for the analysis of expected Casimir forces in complex systems at design time, and help to approach new frontiers in nanotechnology.

TEXT and VIDEO CREDIT: americanantigravity

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