Web Hosting Comparison – Where to Find The Best Reviews

Posted by admin in Recommended Finds, Web Hosting on Sep 17th, 2011 | 2 comments

As my readers know, from time to time we like to feature hosting comparison websites that allow new webmasters to choose the right web hosting solution for their needs. Today, when advertisements dominate the niche, it’s really not easy to makeup your mind about a certain company and as I always say â€" there is no better advertisement than a satisfied client. Find people who liked a certain web host, ask which host was it â€" and the chances that you will be unsatisfied are quite small (unless your website is significantly larger, heavier and popular). The problem is always the same though, finding these web hosting reviews is not easy. Many times I came across people who speak in favor of a certain web hosting company without even trying it ever themselves, only because they are paid to promote this host. That’s not fair, right?

This mean you need to look for a website that features ALL the web hosting companies (and not just one) and posts an objective web hosting review about each and every one of them, allowing users to add rating and comments to their feedback. This is the only way for you to enter a “one-stop-shop” and overview the entire selection of webhosting solutions, choose a hosting review that seems to have all the benefits you are looking for, and go for it.

A new website has popped out in this niche, which caught my attention last week â€" Hosting Posting. This rather catchy name belongs to a blog that is becoming rapidly popular nowadays and, to my surprise, contains no ads, pop ups or banners, it is dedicated only to honest reviews and overviews of over 50 popular web hosting providers. You will find their own review, users review (you can post your own as well!), overview of the plans and also coupon codes for getting the best deal out of each hosting.

Chime in and share your experience about a web hosting company you have been using or use this guide to find a company that will suit your needs and answer the most popular geek’s question: “to host or not to host?” :) Good Luck!


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