Amazon Launches New iPhone App Geared Towards Students [News]

posted on August 17, 2011 by Dave LeClair

Amazon has always been quick to use mobile devices as a way to increase sales. Now they have launched an iPhone app specifically designed for students. The timing of this launch couldn’t be better; it is that time of year where students are beginning to get back in session.

The app allows students to quickly look up prices on textbooks, video games, movies and other gadgets that tend to appeal to college students. You can look up an item either by searching for it, or by using the built-in barcode scanner. Users can quickly find out how much the book store is overcharging, and order the book for a more reasonable price right from their phone. The app also allows users to save things they would like to buy later on their Amazon wishlist.

Where the app really shines is with the full integration of Amazon’s trade-in feature. This allows students to quickly sell items back to Amazon for store credit to be used on later purchases. Students also get a free 6 month trial of Amazon Prime.

Users can trade in textbooks, video games, and all sorts of other electronics. Sometimes listing the item yourself and waiting for it to sell can be a real hassle, and being able to quickly unload a book with Amazon is a real convenience, especially when you can do it right from the phone. All items traded in with Amazon will get prepaid shipping, so you don’t even have to pay to ship it back.

iPhone app link

Source: Tech Crunch

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