Answerbase: Add a Q&A Site Instantly (3 Annual Licenses Giveaway)

In a web where the huge portion of the content is created by communities and users, Question & Answer websites became very popular.

They are perfect platforms for helping users find answers with the help of other users or expert staff, minimizing support requests and collecting experience. Also, building Q&A websites on niche subjects to create a community can itself be a good idea.

Answerbase, a hosted service for creating full-featured Q&A websites easily, is giving away "3 Annual Business Level Accounts" to WRD readers and details about the giveaway are mentioned at the bottom of this article.

What is Answerbase?


Answerbase is a service (which is already used by popular brands) where anyone can build a complete Question & Answer website very quickly without any programming or installation.

Users can easily register (there is support for Facebook, Twitter and oAuth sign-in) to post questions and replies. Replies can include text, image and video to provide the best information.

Other users can vote the replies to help determining the best answers. Also, the answers by the staff are automatically highlighted so they can be distinguished from others.

The front-end is white-labeled and design of the website can be completely customized. There are 3 ready-to-use templates offered and it is possible to change every image, color or text. For maximum customization, you can add your own CSS styles as well.

Answerbase Screenshots

Depending on the selected plan, there is a powerful API provided to pull the content and/or better integrate the functionality with your own system.

Q&A websites are a good way of getting organic and related traffic to websites considering there is a continuous content generation. Answerbase does its best on getting the right traffic with SEO-friendly URLs, dynamic page titles, sitemap and more.

Also, using "widget builders", users can setup widgets and insert relevant content + functionality to their own sites which will end up in a more activity on the main website.

The reports module of the application displays all the metrics you need to find out how the system is performing like the growth of userbase, questions, answers and the overall activity. And, there is support for Google Analytics integration.

A great feature is the website automatically having a mobile-friendly version which can be viewed correctly from iOS, Android and many other mobile devices.

And, the system accepts "data import" which is nice if you are switching from another system (data can be exported too).

How to win the licenses?

In order to win one of the annual licenses:

  • sign-up for a free trial of the Answerbase service
  • submit your Answerbase site name to the comments

Winners will be picked randomly with the query below 1 week later (04 July 2011):

SELECT * FROM wp_comments WHERE comment_post_id=2321 AND comment_approved=1 AND comment_type='' GROUP BY comment_author_email ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 3

Good luck everyone.

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