Totem: A Vertical Ticker jQuery Plugin

Totem: A Vertical Ticker jQuery Plugin

Totem is our latest jQuery plugin release. It makes animated tickers easy.

A New Release

We’re very excited to launch our next jQuery plugin since the widely popular Supersized. Totem makes implementing animated vertical tickers with navigation easy. It is the result of a few recent client projects which required finely controlled tickers plus navigation. This is certainly not the first vertical ticker plugin released for jQuery, but it does have a few features that help it stick out. We hope you’ll find it useful.

Totem is a relatively simple plugin that focuses on being flexible without too many bloated preformatted options. Apply it to a list, and Totem will take it from there. Style and structure as you planned.

Totem Ticker jQuery Plugin

The project page has full documentation and download links, and will be the hub for current and future versions going forward.

Project on GitHub

For the cutting edge releases and outstanding issues, we’ve set up a GitHub repository to keep everything in order. Feel free to post any code related issues or contributions there in addition to in the comments below. We’ll also be doing minor releases there from time to time without making full blog posts.

Totem on Github

The Roadmap

There’s still plenty left to do. Future versions will include more animations, and the ability to have a continuous scrolling mode. Have any other suggestions? We’d love to hear them in to comments.

Support Requests

Based on feedback from previous plugins, here’s a reminder regarding support requests: We’re physically unable to address every “How do I make it do ABC under situation XYZ” posted to the comments. For example, we can’t provide support for “How can I load my recent blog posts to this?” or “How can I make this pull live results from the following sites.” If there are clear bugs that need fixing, that’s another story entirely.

This plugin controls presentation, and the specific structure (CSS, HTML, and data) will be unique to your project. We are available for custom work through One Mighty Roar if needed.

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