Find Relevant Twitter Posts With The My6sense Chrome Extension

relevant twitter postsMy6sense, the “digital intuition” company who I have mentioned briefly here, has just released a Chrome extension which helps you to sort out the irrelevant tweets from the relevant twitter posts you should be noticing.   As people tweet more and more, this app will help a great deal in increasing your productivity levels by filtering out tweets which the app deems irrelevant.

Let’s take a closer look at the new Chrome extension, as well as the versions for the iPhone and Android to see if it is right for you.

My6sense As An App

relevant twitter posts

My6sense currently has an app available for the iOS and Android platforms only. This app will connect to your Twitter, Google Reader and several other accounts and pull in current sources of information.

Without you having to select which links you like, my6sense will automatically detect what you are reading and ‘float’ similar stories to the top. This way, it makes sure that stories that should interest you are easily available without getting lost in the deluge of confusion that is RSS.

This technology, which works great as long as you are on an iPhone or Android device, has not previously been available to web browsers… until now.

The my6sense Twitter Chrome Extension

interesting twitter post

My6sense has just released an extension in the Chrome web app store (here) which allows you to utilize their technology to determine which tweets will be relevant to you.

The Chrome extension is very similar to a Greasemonkey plugin script. It alters the Twitter interface and adds a special tab that only includes my6sense-tuned tweets. By default it will only show you tweets that include links within the last 12 hours; you can change this by setting it to a 6, 12, 24 or 48-hour time period depending on how often you log into Twitter. I also found that it was better to enable Tweets without links because ‘interesting’ content to me does not always include links, but this is really up to your personal tastes.

interesting twitter post

Some folks basically use Twitter as a glorified (or stripped down, depending on how you look at it) RSS feed reader; so this just depends on what you are looking for.

My6sense As A Platform

relevant twitter posts

I believe that my6sense’s aim is to become an ‘intuition platform’ from which other developers can build applications off of. They call it their ‘attention API‘ and allow developers to write code based off of the the my6sense platform via a web service. If you are interested in doing that, they have a sample PHP class which is ready to go for your coding needs.

Will My6Sense Work For You?

I mainly see my6sense as a platform to that brings to your attention interesting links that others have posted either via RSS or Twitter. However, there are some flaws in the platform that I would like to see addressed.

The first is the idea of what is ‘interesting’ to me. While most of the time I read about tech, web applications, startups and other similar news; I do occasionally enjoy reading about the uncontacted tribes of South America or about the latest technology for raising babies. Does that mean that I want to read about them all of the time? Probably not. But I am interested in the occasional random story; as long as it is interesting. My6sense does not let you opt-out or opt-in to a certain type of article, it is all automatic. You are relying on their technology to successfully filter topical items for you, which is both the good part of it and the bad part of it. It is all reliant on their algorithms.

If you haven’t tried my6sense already, it is definitely worth a look. As you use their apps more often they learn your viewing patterns and from what I have seen they are pretty successful at picking out relevant twitter posts and interesting content. Let us know how their mobile apps, and new Chrome Extension, work out for you!



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