Can Quality Web Hosting Come at Really Cheap Price?

I noticed that we have a lot of webmasters subscribed to our blog, because every time we discuss web hosting, a lot of comments, suggestions and questions pop out. One of the most commonly spread question is â€" if a web hosting is cheap, can it still be good?

First of all, “cheap” is a very relative description for a host. Some may consider $5 a month to be way over their budget, while others  pay hundreds of dollars every month and still, are considered on a cheap host compared to the big sharks. But okay, let’s not talk about business hosting and stick just to the small and more personal deals. In my experience, cheap web hosting can and probably will be a good deal for you, because there are a few downsides to the small price to be aware of:

1. All the hosting deals under $10 are (generally)  will get your site hosted on a shared environment. While this does not mean you will have others interfering with your site or potential security risks, this does mean, however, that the CPU usage and the bandwidth will most likely be limited, and once your website grows big enough, you will need to upgrade, to allow faster loading of your website to all visitors. So these hosts allow you to start really cheap in order to try your skills out in webmasters world, and then hope for the “upgrade factor” to come.

2. Cheap hosting services today should not scare you the way they used to, say 5 years ago, when bandwidth was expensive and internet connection was overpriced. Today the picture is different, even when they charge you a few dollars a month they will probably cover all the expenses so low price should not scare you off. Moreover, don’t forget that very web host is looking to hook a long term client and therefore will go towards you, hoping you will not move away next year.

Once you realize these downsides, you understand what exactly the limitations are, and  can estimate the low price more objectively. While hosting an html site on the cheapest hosting plan could not be a problem, having a large SQL database with millions of visitors will not be possible, due to CPU issues. If you are a beginner web master or a web designer, looking to build a medium size site, a personal blog, or a portfolio â€" by all means don’t over invest in your website and start as cheap as possible. Once you will see your website starting to give back in terms of cash, you can expand your site and upgrade, if you see it has outgrown its shared environment. If you are looking for a really cheap place to begin at, go with as they start the pricing as low as 2,75 USD a month. That’s about half the price from the cheapest hosts out there! Check their service out and don’t hesitate to try them out too, since they offer a full money back guarantee within 30 days.

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