Adsense Plugins for WordPress That Make Your Life Easier

Adsense Plug-Ins for WordPress

Although I decided not to use Adsense on this blog, for most of us blogging means use of Adsense, and this is why more WordPress themes now come as “Adsense-ready”. So, here are a few small add-ons that will make your contextual monetizing process easier and faster.

Adsense Deluxe â€" Currently the most popular and widely-spread AdSense plug-in, that allows you to automatically insert ads’ code into your posts. Very simple to use, easy to install, runs smoothly and I am using it successfully on all my other blogs.

AdSense Widget for WordPress Sidebar â€" This plug-in adds AdSense to your WordPress sidebar in the form of a widget. Especially recommended to those who often switch themes and use widgets to play around with sidebar’s content position.

Shylock AdSense â€" Easy integration of AdSense ads into your WordPress. Basically it’s a simple addition to WP that has one pretty good feature â€" you can set particular ads into blog posts which are more than X days old.

AdMan â€" Integrates ads directly inside your posts. If you ask me, this plug-in is nothing special, however it’s compatible with Adsense itself.
AdSense Manager â€" This plug-in’s name is well summed up by its title. Use the latest version only, as older versions had some issues with the AdSense terms and conditions.

AdRotator â€" This plug in is a perfect savior for blogs with a lot returning visitors / traffic. and solves the ad blindness problem. It rotates your AdSense ads, and combines them with other advertising programs, banners, Adbrite.

AdSense Attachment â€" Display extra content, like images, in a new page together with AdSense ads. I have not found any proof of it being compatible with Adsense TOS, if anyone knows otherwise, please advice.

Google Ad Wrap â€" This nice plug-in show Google spider â€" in other words, what content on your blog is really important. It may help with targeting for the right keywords and understanding Adsense’s inside mechanism better.

Adsense Inline â€" another plugin that makes inserting AdSense into your blog posts really easy. It makes no difference from Adsense Delux (in my opinion) however every developer deserves his glory.

Author Adsense â€" Often used on forums and joint communities â€" this plug-in splits revenue between several blog authors on the same blog, inserting different publishers’ code into same ads slots.

AdSense Sharing Revenue and Earnings System â€" Same as the plug-in mentioned above, only show, additionally to all, revenue in real time.
Adsense Earnings WordPress Plugin â€" Control Adsense from your WordPres panel. Suitable for those who are too lazy to log in to their Google Adsense page, yet not lazy enough to install this plug in.

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