Swift To-Do List 7: The Only Task Management App You’ll Need [Giveaway]

There are a ton of products out there, free and premium, that claim to boost your productivity. Some products hitch onto productivity-enhancing methods, like the Pomodoro Technique. Others aim to help you to organize and remember the tasks that you need to break down. In particular, to-do lists.

Now, to be sure, there is an ocean of apps and programs that provide you with to-do lists. Some of you reading this giveaway may wonder if a commercial application is worth paying for when there are hundreds of free alternatives available. Let me tell you, I was in the same camp of thought until I gave Swift To-Do List 7 a run.

Swift To-Do List 7 is available in 3 editions: Standard ($44.95), Professional ($89.95), and Ultimate ($149.95). It is compatible with 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows XP, Vista, and 7.

This week, we’re giving away 25 copies of Swift To-Do List 7 Professional Edition worth a total of $2,250 for absolutely free! Participating in this giveaway is easy. All you have to do is read through the review and the giveaway details will be at the bottom. This is a wonderful opportunity to get your hands on this great piece of software without paying a cent.

Review of Swift To-Do List 7

The makers of Swift To-Do List 7 have declared a bold claim on their website. Let’s take a look to see if this program lives up to its word:

The problem with most task management software currently available is that it is either too primitive or too complex and cumbersome. That’s where Swift To-Do List 7 comes in.

It is very powerful and feature rich, yet simple, clean, light-weight and easy to use at the same time, which is truly revolutionary.

swift to do list review

This is what Swift To-Do List looks like when you first launch it (except it would be blank without any tasks). If you’re the kind of person who wants a minimalistic to-do list that looks more like a checklist than a task management system, then this will be too much for you. But I really like the interface setup of Swift To-Do List 7.

On the left, you’ll have a browsing tree of available folders and tasks. These are created by you to fit your own needs. Everything here is one of two types: a Task List that can hold sub-level tasks within it, and a Memo.

In the screenshot, I have a top-level Make Use Of task list which I’m using as a folder. Within it, I’ve created another task list which I used to track my progress on one of the articles I wrote (you can read it here in case you’re curious).

swift to do list review

The cool thing is that you can customize the icon next to each Task List. Instead of boring folders and list icons, I could’ve chosen from a few dozen other icons supplied by the program.

The hierarchical nature of Swift To-Do List makes organization extremely easy, and the interface fits the structure of the program flawlessly. The layout is simple and intuitive. It all acts exactly as you would expect it to act.

swift to do list review

Within each Task List, you can add individual Tasks. The sheer amount of options and choices you can set for each Task is rather impressive to me. Most to-do list programs will let you set a start date, a due date, a task type, and a priority level. Swift To-Do List goes a bit further.

You can set reminders, whether on a specified date/time or dynamically based on the due date of the task itself. Swift To-Do List can even send you email reminders on a task if you so desire.

A task can also have notes attached to it, which is basically an empty notepad where you can type anything you want. This is great for storing task-related notes and directives that you may have forgotten otherwise. As a bonus, the notes editor is a fully-equipped WYSIWYG editor.

swift to do list review

You can even add attachments to a task. These can be any sort of file on your computer which you may need to use later on in a way related to your task. Very cool and potentially very useful.

And lastly, there’s the recurrence feature. The recurrence options are numerous: daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, monthly on a day of the week, yearly on a day of the week, or a set time after the completion of the task.

swift to do list review

Surprisingly, for a task management system, there are a lot of options that can be customized. Some options you can set:

  • Hotkeys for quickly navigating and maintaining tasks and task lists.
  • Default values for new tasks.
  • Aesthetic changes that alter the fonts and colors of the display.
  • Reminder behavior, such as flashing, window popups, and sounds.
  • Database encryption in case your task lists have sensitive data.

swift to do list review

Using Swift To-Do List is pretty simple. But if you need a quick rundown of what to do, you can always call up the Quick Start Guide from the Help menu. This guide runs automatically the first time you run Swift To-Do List, and it was a great help in getting my toes wet with this program.

The features of Swift To-Do List 7 are just too numerous to review individually. It’s best that you take a look at the complete list of features on their website in order to get a complete picture of what this app is capable of.

Again, we’re giving away 25 free copies of Swift To-Do List 7 Professional Edition this week. Please be reminded that Swift To-Do List 7 is only available for Windows XP, Vista, or 7 in 32-bit and 64-bit versions.

How do I win a copy of Swift To-Do List 7 Professional?

It’s simple, just follow the instructions. Please note that we’ve included a new entry method which utilises your MakeUseOf points.

Step 1: Fill in the giveaway form

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The giveaway code required to activate the form is available from our Facebook page, our Twitter stream and Google+ page.

Step 2: Share!

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This giveaway begins now and ends Friday, July 6th. The winners will be selected at random and informed via email.

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