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January 7, 2012
- By Aibek Esengulov
Check out some of the latest MakeUseOf discoveries. Most of the listed websites are FREE or come with a decent free account option. If you want to have similar cool website round-ups delivered to your daily email, subscribe here.
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SOS Online Backup â" Creating a backup of your Facebook account can help you immensely, particularly when you are thinking about deactivating your Facebook account. Although Facebook offers a built-in backup option, you can also use a 3rd party service SOS Online Backup for the task. Read more: SOS Online Backup: Get 5GB of Online Storage To Backup Facebook Data & Other FilesÂ
Doocuments â" Personal computers and cloud computing have virtually dictated how we work with documents. We use productivity apps like MS Office or Apple iWork but they fall short if you want to use these apps in an enterprise setting. Fortunately Doocuments is a cool app-on-the-cloud that provides enterprise-grade features. Read more: Doocuments: Cloud App To Protect & Manage Enterprise DocumentsÂ
Lovely â" Finding an apartment is not an easy task. You need a place that suits your tastes while falling in your budget. Here to help you with the hunt for such a place is a web service called Lovely, a user friendly web service that takes the frustration out of apartment hunting. All the physical tasks are simplified thanks to Lovely. Read more: Lovely: Easily Find Apartments That Suit Your Budget & TastesÂ
iKeepm â" So you keep a tab on all your expenses. But have you ever wanted to keep a tab on your household items, and see if they actually amount to something? If yes, iKeepm is your best friend. Itâs a very simple website which allows you to manage an online inventory list, with all your personal valuables sorted and organized. Read more: iKeepm: Manage An Online Inventory List Of Your Personal ValuablesÂ
These are just half of the websites that we discovered in the last couple of days. If you want us to send you daily round-ups of all cool websites we come across, leave your email here. Or follow us via RSS feed.
Tagged: cool web apps
Cool Websites and Tools [February 17th, 2011]
Cool Websites and Tools [December 5th, 2009]
Cool Websites and Tools [November 28, 2009]
Cool Websites and Tools (#252)
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Thanks for such a Great Website!
websites are awesome,very practical in nature. sos backup is immensely beneficial for a facebook user.