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January 21, 2012
- By Aibek Esengulov
Check out some of the latest MakeUseOf discoveries. Most of the listed websites are FREE or come with a decent free account option. If you want to have similar cool website round-ups delivered to your daily email, subscribe here.
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World At 7 Billion â" The world keeps on growing at a very fast pace, but have you ever wondered at what number you were? Just like that, 7 billion people: Which One Are you? allows a person to know what their number is from that 7 billion people. Read more: World At 7 Billion: Out of 7 Billion, Which One Are You?Â
Iris â" Siri is without a doubt, the most attractive feature in Apple iPhone 4S. Since its launch, Android developers all over the world have been trying to release an application which can serve as a good Siri alternative. Read more: Iris: A Worthy Siri Alternative For Android PhonesÂ
FortySevens (474747) â" A startpage is usually meant to provide easy access to the sites and services you use frequently everyday so that you donât need to type their URLs in the address bar each time. FortySevens or 474747 is one such startpage which is like a directory of the best websites in diverse categories, all on one page, arranged in a grid format for quick search and access. Read more: FortySevens (474747): A Startpage With Access To A Huge Number Of Useful SitesÂ
Attrakt â" When you type a query into a search engine, you want to be able to get the desired results as soon as possible. But different people have different search criterions which is why for any search engine to be good, it should offer various types of searches. One engine that offers search in this way is Attrakt. Read more: Attrakt: A Smart Search Engine That Offers Various Types Of SearchesÂ
These are just half of the websites that we discovered in the last couple of days. If you want us to send you daily round-ups of all cool websites we come across, leave your email here. Or follow us via RSS feed.
Tagged: cool web apps
Cool Websites and Tools [January 20th, 2011]
Cool Websites and Tools [January 3rd 2012]
Cool Websites and Tools [January 6th 2012]
Cool Websites and Tools [January 9th 2012]
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Sweet! Iâve been using Calibre to convert some ebooks into ePub but 2epub looks like it might be my new go-to service.
They are really cool, thanks for information.