Download the Foxiest WordPress Theme with WooCommerce!

Foxy is a sleek, all-in-one solution for businesses. The themes finds harmony in a balance of simple and striking design elements. Foxy is fun, but it doesn’t let anything get in the way of its structured and functional layout. For those looking for a solid online solution for their business, Foxy is the theme for you!

Foxy is our first theme to include a responsive style for resolutions over 960px. This means that the theme will look better than ever on modern screens of 1366px and above without cluttering smaller screens with overblown header sizes.

Foxy is also our first standard business theme to include eCommerce integration out of the box. Our previous eCommerce themes (StyleShop, eStore and Boutique) are great for online stores, but their layouts are not ideal software or service-based businesses who need eCommerce functionality as a part of their website, but not as its focal point. Instead, Foxy weaves eCommerce seamlessly into its classic and proven business structure.

The use of mobile devices is on the rise, and it is important for your website to be ready for those mobile visitors. Foxy comes fully responsive, meaning that the design will adapt to whatever screen size is being used to browse. You website will look great and will be a breeze to read on mobile phones and desktop computers alike.

And let’s not forget about tablets! Foxy will also look great on your iPad or Android tablet in both portrait and landscape mode.

Foxy allows you to easily customize your theme’s colors and background images via the WordPress Theme Customizer. You can quickly change font colors, navigation bar colors, background colors, background images and more.

I hope that everyone enjoys using Foxy.


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