How to begin making money with an email list

We have discussed quite a few times on our blog, how essential is a mailing list when it comes to marketing offers and promotions. You can post a great offer on your website and hope for visitors to come and see it, but most blogs have a good share of untargeted traffic or traffic that does not convert well enough. This will not happen if you have built a targeted, valid list of contacts you can reach any time you have a promotional offer. It might take years until you reach a huge number of targeted email addresses, but as it’s been proven many times by hundreds of marketers and bloggers, these efforts pay out tremendously.

For our websites, we have always preferred doing email marketing with iContact. Why? Obviously it has a lot to do with their pricing structure, as you can begin with just $10 per month, which is about 5 times cheaper than other well known mailing lists softwares. The smallest plan allows you to add up to 250 subscribers, which may sounds like too little but believe me, most medium sized websites will do well with just a few hundreds of subscribers. However, if your list grows dramatically and multiplies itself tenfold or more, you can upgrade to bigger plans, which will still be under $50 a month.

But, what most people do not know about is that that iContact also have a FREE plan for a mailing list with up to 100 contacts. This is not a heavily promoted plan and does not get widely features access their website, those many bloggers like myself found out about it and this is why I wanted to share it with our readers. Please note that this is not a trial plan, but a completely free plan which remains free unless your list goes over 100 subscribers.

Email marketing by iContact is reliable, easy to use and highly customizable, with plenty of pre-designed email templates to choose from at no additional cost.  With the free plan, you will still get access to designer templates and all the industry-leading features of the paid plans.

But the best feature, in my opinion, are the easy-to-implement sign up forms which can serve both on the body of your website and inside social media websites, such as facebook.

For years iContact has been considered an expensive service, but not anymore, now everyone can begin building their list with them and when scaling vertically, the plans turn out to be significantly cheaper than other services.

How to generate an email list?

The most common technique today is to utilize the opt-in sign up form and publish it on your website and social media sites. However, leaving it out there and hoping that people will opt in to receive spammy offers from you is not a cleaver idea, the list needs to be promoted and the easiest way to get people to subscribe, is to offer something, for “subscribers only”. Any download, coupon, access to members premium area, or whatever you can think of, which will make the subscription option attractive. Then, after a while, you can build sending a highly targeted offers to your audience.

Good luck!


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