OpenKeyval – Instant & Web-Based Database For Any Project

Today, while many websites have a database for storing the content, settings, etc., many others are static and don't use anything to keep the data as they are hard-coded in HTML.

For such websites, we may still want/need to store several things and OpenKeyval provides us that opportunity without setting up a database like MySQL, MSSQL.

It is a free (also open source) and web-based database service that doesn't require any registration and can be used instantly.


We simply send a POST request to store any data (with a unique prefix of our preference), can request or delete it anytime and responses comes in a JSON format.

Also, like mentioned, OpenKeyval is open source. It is built with PHP and anyone can host their own instance.

P.S. The only limitation of the service is the size of each key which is 64kb.

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