Evernote Announces Evernote Business And Smart Notebooks [Updates]

Evernote announced last week the formation of what it’s calling Evernote Business in which its application and cloud services will be designed with additional features for small and medium size enterprises. Evernote also announced that it has developed in partnership with the classic paper notebook company, Moleskine, a new limited edition Evernote Smart Notebook that’s designed specifically for the new Evernote iOS application.

Evernote Business is set to begin in December, and the Evernote Smart Notebook by Moleskine is available for pre-order, starting at $24.95.

Evernote Business will include special capabilities for getting companies integrated with Evernote and related apps (e.g., Evernote Web Clipper, Skitch, Evernote Clearly, Evernote Hello), in which businesses can store and share notes, presentations, documents, etc. between employees and clients. The setup will also include an Administrative Console which enables companies to manage user access and all business data. These and other extra services will cost businesses $10 per month which will pay for all employees within a business.

Evernote Smart Notebook is a collaboration with Moleskine which merges paper notebooks with Evernote’s digital notebook. Evernote says that it has updated its iOS app with a new Page Camera to make captures of content in the pages of the special notebook with ‘dotted’ rulings sharper and cleaner. Notes will include smart stickers to help organize captures into the app.

The Smart Notebooks will be available, in pocket and large size, with ruled or square paper styles. Evernote and Moleskine anticipate shipping ordered notebooks to be available on or about October 1st.

Source: TechCrunch

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