BoxJS & BoxCss – Easy Way To Minimize And Cache JavaScript-CSS Files

BoxJS and BoxCSS are two different-yet-similar services built by the same developer team which offer a simplified method in compressing JavaScript and CSS files, serving the minimized versions and caching them.

They are free-to-use web apps which BoxJS requires including a lightweight JavaScript file (1.4kb) in web pages, specifying the JS files with a simple function and the service returns the minified + combined (into a single file) JavaScript file.

BoxCss - BoxJS

BoxCSS works by using the service's URL as the source of the CSS file but passing the original file's location as a querystring parameter.

Besides JavaScript and CSS, CoffeeScript and LESS is supported as well.

The drawback can be the need of relying to the CDN used by the services. In this case, you can use the service as a minifier and use the processes source file.

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