Desire HD review

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I have owned my android phone for about a week and can see that the battery life is poor even in only 4 or 5 widgets on the home screens and a black static wallpaper. I enjoy the phone a lot. It has the same spec as EVO or Inspire 4G. I can just take all my contacts from Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin with adding them manually into the phone but the only disadvantage is the battery life and poor built quality of the usb cables. Overall the phone is excellent build quality and like a mini computer

Comparing it with my old Nokia 5800, it surpass my expectations and I love every minute I use it compared with the small screen size of the 5800. My new android phone also can play any video format I want. The android phone is a bit heavy than the 5800 due to being made out of a solid piece of metal. Games look amazing on the large screen compared with the small 3.7in screen of the 5800. The bulid quality is a bit better than the Desire HD such as the battery cover not breaking after two days of use. Software used by the 5800 is the Symbain Version 3 and desire hd runs Android 2.2 with update to 2.3 coming soon.

Rating 8/10 overall for the desire hd
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